Sourcemod l4d2 flamethrower
Sourcemod l4d2 flamethrower

Fixed bots getting gascans on maps that were not registered (Mostly Badwater Basin). (This is mostly the case for "Welcome To Hell" in Single-Player.) Fixed any and all finales that trips the game events "finale_vehicle_ready" and "instructor_server_hint_create" at the same time. After taking Lux's advice and Timocop's implementation, memory leaks have now been removed. This plugin has reached maximum potential and should be compatible with "Pour Gas" by Silvers and "Chainsaw Refueling" by DJ_West and almost every scavenging related map. This is to stop bots from getting extra cans when it's time to proceed in the map. Lastly, this plugin will force the bots to stop collecting cans when the goal is reached. This version will now be able to target up to one non-finale nozzle and one finale nozzle per map. They will now help out on (almost) every instance possible. This branch also has many events linked to bots being able to scavenge when the progress is visible. Instead, it checks if the Gas Can Progress HUD exists as this is more relevant to Scavenging events/finales. This branch doesn't check if an entity with the specific name of "trigger_finale" is a certain "type" when the finale starts. How does ScavengeBotsDS differ from its original counterpart?: For more information, please check the original Scavengebots plugin linked above. Addon maps can still be added in the proper format and appropriate file to test and experiment with. And ScavengeGameBotsDS will focus on all Scavenge game mode maps. ScavengeFinaleBotsDS will handle Finale based instances (including Dark Carnival Remix). ScavengeBotsDS will focus on Coop/Versus non-finale instances. cfg files that must be installed in sourcemod/data. They will then resume following the player or proceed on their own (as an all bot team) once the area is clear. Bots will immediately stop scavenging cans when the goal is reached (when the display disappears or when the escape vehicle is either inbound or available). Finales/Scavenge Events without the scavenge progress display (non-existing, for whatever reason) will not prompt bots to scavenge gascans. They will (and should) start immediately once the gascan progress display is visible on the HUD. Bots will now scavenge in all maps where they are able. Additional details have been listed below ScavengeBotsDS is now merged into one sole plugin once again. Please read everything to become familiar with its changes, some things may show up as bugs when it's really not. This bran C++h of the revolutionary "ScavengeBots" by Machine allows for bots to be able to scavenge cans in more maps that were originally incompatible with more appropriate behavior regarding Scavenging.

Sourcemod l4d2 flamethrower